Read at your own risk! It might not be as smooth as it seems. This is a story told by a boy who wishes he has magic to bring out the best .

26 January 2018




依稀记得那个晚上学长姐为我们举办了一个科系见面会,把本身所得到的笔记传承给我们小的。 那时候被抽到成为她的学弟。彼此交流后才发现原来学姐是系中的优异生。学姐的性格给我的感觉就是很谦虚,而且也很潇洒的那一种。他从不对旁人说自己有多幸苦,当然我也知道,她在背后下了不少功夫才换来如此优秀的成绩。

学姐每次的讯息,不是嘘寒问暖,就是存粹的聊聊课业。 在每一次的交谈,她都能够明确地给予指点。 我不需要多说,学姐也能够知道我的烦恼。有时我在想,学姐是否有读取他人心灵的能力。

有时候,我们的确知道自己要什么,只是害怕选择了下这一步棋,会有怎样的后果。 面对这样的情况, 很多时候只需要一句点醒自己。 而我每次都有这个困扰的时候, 学姐都很轻松的,用一句简单但又有说服力的句子送给我。
我并不知道学姐她之前经历过怎样的磨难, 但是能够清楚地说出一句又一句刻骨铭心的话,我想要不是志同道合,就是经历了无数次的历练而得来的。

去年学姐已毕业,找到一份她很满意的工作。 我只希望这位恩师永远都能够积极向上,天天乐观,并和她的男朋友恩恩爱爱。最后的希望就是,无论到哪一个阶段,都能够成为我生命中的老师。

Sometimes, the answer is always inside your heart, it's just that you are afraid to take it yourself as you fear it may cause catastrophic consequences. But I am truly grateful to have her as my direct senior.
Thank you so much for all of your advice and opinions. Have fun in your work and stay sweet with your boyfriend, dear senior!

3 September 2017

感慨 A dream is just a dream





The birdlings are not ambitious anymore. 
The flames of the three requirements are dimming slowly. 
The desire to earn power without the right effort. 

And I shall just be the bystander. 

11 September 2016


九月了, 2016年就只剩下四分之一。



第一次打工就病了三次、 第一次打工就练成了“狮子吼”、第一次看到这么多孩子那么天真善良、第一次打工就面对了种种不同的前辈、第一次打工就必须应付各个家长不同的要求......

第一次单人旅行的神秘感依然清晰,好怀念那段时间一个人到处看看,拍拍照,每条路都是不同的奇遇,惊喜连连,却忘了要去找好吃的。 这个以旅客的身份去游玩的男孩,非常感谢路上的一景一物教会他的事。 希望他一直都保持着一颗善良的心,一个好奇的态度去面对世界大大小小的事情。

16 July 2016

梦里的彩虹城堡 The Rainbow Castle in the Dream






Dear Rainbow Castle, how are you?
It has been a long time since the young boy came and pay a visit. Do you still miss him?

The young boy hopes that you are still looking the same as the last time he saw you.
Are the Bubbles of Dreams still floating around the hall? Or have those bubbles popped out long time ago?

The boy who was once young now wishes that you are still there, with the vibrant colours still remain. Yet, that was just a glory of the past.

5 June 2016

Restless May 无休止工作的五月







29 May 2016

Appreciation Post : Friends

Have been flipping the school's magazine over and over again. Why do I do that? Because I'm a type of person that likes to keep on viewing old stuffs and it could not be help. 

Although my STPM journey has come to an end, it will still not be enough without an appreciation post to my friends who have stayed side by side together to face the hardships. 

The first and foremost, Ian. A dreamer I would say. The best buddy ever! 
Thank you so much for enduring my bad behaviours, listening to my non-stop complaints about life, giving me a ride back home when I needed it, and most importantly, being my co-mate throughout this 1.5 years. Thank you for being my real-life English dictionary and worked hard enough and earned yourself a high score in MUET. You always have the craziest ideas in your mind and have not ever fail to surprise me each time when we are chatting. Well, sometimes it really does annoys me but I'm glad I knew you since Form 1. Thanks for giving me loads of suggestion even though most of them seemed irrelevant, but honestly, some of them are quite useful and full of evilness.  An eater with a stomach which knows no limits (this is no joke). Dear Ian, if you are reading this,  I hope you will find satisfaction in what you are dreaming of and have faith in yourself. I admire your craziness and please keep on surprises me okay? 

Dear Thamarai, thank you for staying in Biology class until the end. 
Thank you so much for this whole path. Thank you for sharing the hard work. Together, we did a marvellous job in this one and a half year and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you for all the efforts you have done. I knew you were strugglingin this journey so the only thing I am capable of if to give you loads of motivation. I just hope you did not take my motivations as words of anger. Hahaha! Thank you for buying the insects and decorating the box. Thank you for not complaining as we were conducting quadrat sampling experiment in the scorching weather. What else could I say? THANK YOU FOR BEING MY CLASSMATE UNTIL THE END!!! I really appreciate it! I wish you are able to get the course you want in university and don't forget, our deal is still on. 

CS, the intelligent girl that has plan B for everything. 
Always being careful and mindful, she has never been afraid of doing anything she thinks is right. I considered myself being very lucky to know her and be one of her friends. She has a remarkable leadership skills and yet modesty is her style. And never to forget, always being helpful and kind. A maths expert who did not leave me stranded when I'm facing maths problem. Thank you for sharing loads of stuffs in STPM. Thank you for being the champion of Science Stream. Thank you for being diligent and earned the trophy that you deserve it! Dear CS, please continue your enthusiasm in doing the things you love to do. Engineering is definitely your strength. Master it in the hard way and contribute your skills to the society.  I know that someday you will succeed it what you wish for. 

The Big Four, QO, JW, KW, KL.
I admire your fellowship, always making decision together. The bonds that the four of you have amazed me. It is hard to see a group of four walking and talking together, teasing each other without much efforts. QO, thank you for the laughter you had brought to everyone. JW, thank you for sharing your thoughts. KW and KL, thank you for always making me confuse to find out who is elder and younger, Best of luck!

To Roshan, thank you so much for sharing your expertise in computer-related problems. Those short-cuts you have taught me came in handy. I won't forget that!

Maggie, thank you for sharing your tips on doing the PA coursework. I hope you get your scholarship!

Zainul, thanks for being our Head Prefect. You are the best photographer and always have tons of creative ideas that pretty amazed me. I don't really know how it feels like working behind the scene and not having you in the big picture makes me feel bad about it. But, I want to thank you for all that you have done. Thank you for being a "big brother".

Dear Siti Patima and Azila, thank you for being my associates! Thank you for enduring my stubborn attitude that always want to carry the whole burden all by myself. Thank you for all the help you two had offered and I couldn't say anything except I do really appreciate it. Keep up the good work and all the best in your future undertakings.

To my committee members of Sixth Former Society, thank you so much for being supportive and passionate throughout the whole journey. All the activities would not have been done if it wasn't for them who helped out as much as possible. Thank you for showing me that teamwork is an essential element when it comes to running a huge event.

To the other Form 6 mates of SMK Alam Megah. thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for the small chit-chat. Thank you for giving a smile when I smiled quite ugly at you.  Thank you for all the hard work you guys have put in in your studies and always being cheerful no matter what happens.

Humans are not solo being, I believe they prefer living in a group rather than being a solitary being. Friends exist for a reason, they provide colours into your life, they bring joy, sometimes anger, jealousy and sadness. The most important thing is, you earned a very special gift. The gift of friendship!

Thank you so much for reading this. It was a sweet-bitter journey and yet, I only remembered the happy moments I had with my friends. After all, too much sadness in your memory might lead to depression. Hahaha!! xD

1 May 2016

“念” 可以构词成 “思念”、 “想念” 、 “怀念”、“眷念”。



爷爷所说的广东话只有奶奶、爸爸、姑姑以及伯伯们听得懂。他说的不像是在港剧里所听见的那样,爸爸称那是古老的 si hak wa (用广东话来说)。

可有两句我却听得懂的就是 “努力读书” 和 “不要贪玩” 。

怀念每次要回 Subang Jaya 时硬硬给他一个拥抱,


16 April 2016





還在迷茫要走哪一條路嗎? 仍然隨波逐流嗎?

對我而言, 三餐溫飽、溫暖的庇護所、家人和朋友既是您最大的資產;擁有樂觀的靈魂就是您年輕美麗的伴侶;自愛和尊重自己就是至高無上的權位。

10 April 2016




Treasure the good and the bad the way you want.
After all, life is made up of 4 ingredients : Happiness, Anger, Sorrow,  Fear.
Your story should be told to the ones that know you well.

9 April 2016

Appreciation Post : Teachers

I'll be starting to blog an appreciation post about the teachers who had guided, tutored and aided me throughout the whole process of being a Sixth Former in SMK Alam Megah. This is going to be a very long post, and I hope you won't get bored of this post. Enjoy reading

I started studying in Pre-University of SMK Alam Megah on mid-May 2014. Going through STPM was neither my first choice nor my last choice. However, after the whole journey, I felt I have made an achievement that I am proud of. Of course, this whole thing will not happen without meeting the people who brought me many lessons and guidance. 

I remembered the first day heading to Orientation Day, I was warmly welcomed by the Senior Assistant of Form 6, Pn. Siti Nourbayah binti Abu Bakar. She is a very kind and sincere teacher and always put on her best smile wherever she goes. She often encourages us to perform our best in everyday's problems no matter how hard it could be. She can be quite strict sometimes, when students did not obey what a pre-u student should do in school. Yet, she always welcomes new suggestions and accept it willingly by giving advices on what and how to do a certain thing. The thing I admire about Pn. Siti Nourbayah is that she always brings us happiness and warm when we felt gloomy or sad. She never comments anything bad in front of anyone. She truly wants more students to know what is Form 6 actually about and how does it change a person's life. The lesson I learnt from her is that you have to put on your best smile even though you are in the stage of jeopardy or sadness because that's what makes life worth treasure for. No matter how bad the situation is, you have to be optimistic and try one more time before saying give up.

"I hate people when they said Form 6 is their last choice rather than their first choice. Once you went through the tough process, you will find yourself even better and more disciplined. " Pn. Siti Nourbayah binti Abu Bakar 

Up next will be my class teacher plus my Chemistry teacher, Pn. Marini binti Abd Ghani. Thank you for being my class teacher during my Form 6's journey. She is the most fabulous chemistry teacher I ever met. She goes to classes with a laptop, an LCD projector and textbooks with colourful whiteboard marker pens. I would considered Pn. Marini to be the fashion pioneer of Form 6. If there is a award, I will definitely vote for her in the Best Fashion Award (Teachers Categories). Besides being highly-fashioned, Pn Marini always uses the easiest and simplest method to teach Chemistry. Oh, bear in mind that Chemistry is a super tough subject in Form 6! The concepts she used are according to the textbooks and she always gives us suggestion on how to write our essays. Plus, her colourful markers makes the notes on the board looks vibrant! To be honest, I am the one who always asked her questions and questions I encountered and she was blamed for taking other teachers' periods. Let me get this straight, I was the one who stopped her from stepping out the class because of my endless questions and yet she did not said a word about it. How could you find another teacher like her who is willing to use his/her precious time to explain the things you are not clear about? And one more thing, she is superb when it comes to managing money-related issues. My class had only 5 persons in the start and she suggested each gave RM10 as class fee and so we had RM50 as total. With that fifty ringgit, I would said she used it wisely and carefully. At the end of our Form 6, we were still able to get some of the money back with no problem at all. Until now, she still cares about her students and asks how are we doing so far. 
An important lesson that I learnt from her is that you shouldn't look at something so complex. Sometimes, you just have to view it in a simple way and that is what matters the most. Furthermore, she taught me to always be accurate in our findings because a single miscalculation or the wrong step might spoil the whole thing.

"One mark can turn the tables. So, be sure to do well and give your best shot every time! " Pn. Marini binti Abd Ghani

Another Chemistry teacher I would like to thank is Mr. Kan Cheong. Thank you for being my Chemistry teacher when Pn. Marini was not around in school. Mr. Kan did not say anything when he had to teach extra two students together with his seven original students. If it wasn't for him and Pn. Marini , I think I might be failing my Chemistry in all 3 terms. Mr. Kan teaches in a slow and easy-to-understand method by elaborating the topics he is teaching and often gives extra information like  how does a chemical equation is obtained etc. He is truly an expert in Chemistry. The extra information he gave can not be found in any Form 6's reference books and that gave me the lesson that we must explore beyond boundaries in order to discover more truth behind what was written. Knowing what was written in books is not enough to equip us to face the challenges in the world.

" Chemistry is not just knowing how to do equation and get any colour from mixing solutions together. You must always find more facts." Mr. Kan Cheong

Now is the time for the teachers who taught us Pengajian Am (PA), the subject that every Form 6 student must study. I had two teacher who taught me PA, Pn. Suriani binti Ibrahim for the 1st term and Pn. Roslinda binti Mohamad for the 2nd and 3rd Terms. Since this was the only subject in BM, I would say that I really did faced difficulties in this subject. The style of answering was totally "special" and it took me a long time to change my bombastic writing style. The good thing was both teachers have patience in teaching us, giving us notes and extra information so that we get the clear picture. Pn. Suriani was more to guiding us on how to write an essay as a sixth former should do. Her markings were strict but that helped me a lot during the first term. On the contrary, Pn. Roslinda preferred us to present our ideas out loud. Often, she will definitely want us to give opinions about a certain topic and would not be afraid to discuss it in the class. That is one bold and brave teacher if you ask me. These two teacher taught me one thing, always be curious! Yep, you are not reading it wrong. PA wasn't just a read-and-answer subject, so be sure to look for more information.

"Jangan sangka PA macam BM. Jika anda tidak memandang serius terhadap subjek ini, ucaplah selamat tinggal kepadanya." Pn. Suriani binti Ibrahim

"Yang! (Short for sayang) Cuba sedaya upaya untuk dapatkan keputusan yang cemerlang ya!"  Pn. Roslinda binti Mohamad 

My Form 6 journey wouldn't be complete without these Maths T teachers, Pn. Selvarani A/P T. Nadarajah and Pn. Goh Siew Kiew. Both teachers are the best Form 6 Maths T teachers I ever met. From the day I officially started my STPM journey, these teachers have put in so much works and efforts in teaching us day and night. Pn. Selvarani is the Maths T teacher of Biology Class while Pn Goh is the Maths T teacher of Physics Class. Since my class is small, we often joined classes with the Physics students to undergo topical tests after finishing each chapter. The discussion we had after obtaining the result made us knew what mistakes we have done. By presenting our answer on the board, Pn. Selvarani and Pn. Goh showed us how an actual candidate should answer in the test. Their dedications in educating us are just wordless and the only way to make them proud is to do our best in every exam. Mathematics T is a hardcore subject as well. The explanations given by the teachers are simple and understandable. Plus, as an STPM Science Stream candidate, we are required to complete 3 different Maths T assignments in each term respectively. I personally felt grateful for having these two teachers who are willing to spent time telling us on how to complete this tedious project works. Our Maths T project would be just a piece of junk if it wasn't for them who taught us on how to do the assignments. When we had free periods, either one of the teachers will use the period to teach Maths. We even had 6 periods of Maths for a day and that was the longest record. It cannot be help as the syllabus for Maths T is too compact. We even had a day for Maths T test and explanations during Sports Day. I remembered it vividly as the crowd was cheering so loud and we were not there to watch it. However, I see it as a sacrifice for us and the teachers in order to do well in the actual exam. Became one of their students is a privilege and honour. I am truly lucky enough to have two Maths teachers who did not gave up hope on anyone of us. Even though they are sometimes filled with other jobs given by superiors, they are willing to put the job aside and solve the problems we faced in Maths. If you ask me will I meet any other teachers that are willing to inspire us, I will say that for now, Pn. Selvarani and Pn. Goh are the teachers who gave us loads of inspiration and guidance throughout my Form 6 life and I bet my comrades will think that as well.

"Class, Maths T is not an easy subject and yet it is not a difficult subject if you are willing to put in a lot of hard work. You will not be able to taste success if you are lack of efforts and enthusiasm." Pn. Selvarani A/P T. Nadarajah

"There will be no fruits to harvest if you just plant the tree there and do not nurture it. Just like Maths, you can't just say you understand it. You must do a lot of exercises and practices in order to master it." Pn. Goh Siew Kiew

My selective subject was Biology and it could not be better without Pn. Maziah binti Muhamad Zain being my Biology teacher. How should I write this? I chose Biology because I am more interested in physiological processes rather than facing complex formulas and calculations in Physics. I am totally an idiot when it comes to reflection-related topic. I faced that when I had my SPM and I still dislike it. Throughout the whole journey, I was the only male student in Biology class and that made me wonder whether I made the right choice or not. But that negative thought did not affect me too long because I had a Biology teacher who is so passionate in teaching Biology. Although I did snoozed in her periods sometimes but she did not got mad about it. She knew that Biology needs a lot of mental strength to imagine what is really happening. One thing I must said that she did not gave up on the both of us (me and another classmate) until the end of our journey. She encouraged us to view videos on YouTube so that we would understand a topic much better. And I did! That method helped me a lot especially in Term 3. DNA replication, Biotechnology, Protein Synthesis etc. I still keep these videos in my phone, reminding me about those moment learning new things. The troubles we faced are just indescribable and I know my classmate and I will definitely understand. I did not regret choosing Biology as my elective subject. Why? The answer is simple, I had an amazing Biology teacher! 

"Keep up the good work! Do what you are capable of and I will pray the best for all of you!" Pn. Maziah binti Muhamad Zain

Malaysia University English Test (MUET). Although it was not a STPM subject, but every pre-university student, including sixth former needs to undergo this test in order to enter the courses they wanted in universities as it is one of the entry requirements. Initially, I thought that it would be a dull and boring one but it turned out I judged too quickly. My MUET teacher was Pn. Ng Swee Choo and she is totally one of a kind. I was impressed by not only her long teaching experience but also her unique teaching style. She also taught us new vocabularies and terms that we seldom use and it was actually fun and entertaining! She has a lot of knowledge and often shares her stories that we all liked to hear about it. She can be strict when it comes to grammatical errors and I always got myself a lot of red lines in my essays. xD Besides being strict, she also has a lot of ideas in her mind and she could speak it out as fast as lightning and it surprised me. I did learned a lot of things from Pn. Ng especially when it comes to speaking techniques, writing techniques and the method of generating loads of ideas in a short time. It was one of the experience that I will not forget unless I got Alzheimer's disease.

"English is a mad man's language." Pn. Ng Swee Choo

I would like to express my gratitude to another MUET teacher, Pn. Woo Sow Ying, for constantly asking how am I doing and sending motivational messages via WhatsApp. Although I was not taught by Pn. Woo, yet I always feel warm when I am having a small chit-chat with her directly or through social apps. She also bought us KitKat Rubies last year as we all scored well in MUET! Don't you feel appreciated when a teacher buys you something when you did a good job, even though you think it is not a big deal? Well, I do appreciate it!

"Life is not cruel. The challenges you are facing now make you more hard working so that you are able to strategize your future." Pn. Woo Sow Ying 

When I first started Form 6, there was one teacher who encouraged me to become a prefect and for that,  I would like to thank Pn. Teen Choo Shien. Initially, I just wanted to become an ordinary student but Pn. Teen gave me a chance and at last, I joined the Prefect Group of Form 6. Together with my partner, we did learned quite lot of things from her. Pn. Teen is a perfectionist and from that, I trained myself to do my job carefully. She also taught us on how to handle a assembly by giving us different roles to do, how to organize an event and documentation procedures.

"Do your part! Do not procrastinate!" Pn. Teen Choo Shien

Being a leader would not bring an impact to a club without the help of the advisers. And for this, I would like to thank Pn. Noraishah binti Nongshah as one of the advisers alongside with Pn. Woo and Pn. Teen. Thank you all so much for guiding me along this process and I hoped I did not caused any trouble to any one of the teachers. Pn. Noraishah is a very supportive teacher and always gives her inspiring comments about certain stuffs. She cares about the club and would always ask me what are the activities prepared for the members. Our trip to the Palace of Justice will not be made if it wasn't for her who gave us full support.

"Do you have any ideas on what to do? I would like to know what you have planned for the members." Pn. Noraishah binti Nongshah 

Thank you Pn. Rosliza binti Muda for bringing us scrumptious food when The Pre-University of SMK Alam Megah were having events.

Thank you En. Saipol Bahari bin Aziz for being the Senior Assistant of Co Curricular. Thank you for typing out our co curricular certificates and thank you for providing the co curricular activities.

Thank you Pn. Mazlinda binti Mohd Yusoff for always reminding us to clean our classroom and provided us the keys to the loo.

Thank you Pn. Rusmuna binti Musa for constantly suggesting me to become a doctor, but I don't think I will be capable of becoming one. Sorry to say that.

Thank you Pn. Norhayati binti Mohd Sabari, Pn. Wan Kamariah binti Wan Endut, Pn. Norepah binti Kasran for always smiling at this childish-looking student.

Finally, this post has comes to an end and it took me 2 months to finish this because there are just so many things I want to type it out. I'm not the person that like to say something out loud but I would like to say thank you to all the teachers who appeared in my Form 6 life. It was a journey worth to be treasured.


27 March 2016






20 March 2016




这一天,我自己一人就花了 RM 170, 真是无法想象日后该吃什么过日子。

不过既然是要宠自己,就去吃了很想吃很久的拉面。两个字,爽爆!吃完后傻傻地叫了一个昂贵的抹茶红豆冰淇淋。 喜欢的是那淡淡的抹茶味;憎恶的是那满足不了我的份量。

买书后想再吃冰淇淋,就去了红头发小丑叔叔快餐店买,然后redeem一个 fish fillet。我是为了冰淇淋才来的。 


一个人到处逛,到处游,能够看清的 是自己的心灵。
一个人随地走,随地看,已经找回了 那沉默许久的快乐。