Read at your own risk! It might not be as smooth as it seems. This is a story told by a boy who wishes he has magic to bring out the best .

26 February 2016









A post about friendship. I'm truly sorry that I cannot translate it into English.
I just can say that friendship is a very fragile thing. 
Everyone has their own living directions and rules, we cannot interfere with one another.
The only thing that we can to is to give each other supports and care. 

21 February 2016

The View From a Friend (Part 2) *updated

Here is another post about the thoughts and opinions my friend has after went through STPM.

Let me introduce her shortly. 

She was a very intelligent Form 6 Physics student, and was crowned the "Queen of Science Stream". She was also the president of Form 6 Red Crescent Unit.
She alone can defeat 6 boys in her class without using much efforts. 
She always thinks precisely and carefully before doing anything and often suggested many useful ideas in class and also in co-curricular activities.
A cheerful person, being helpful and responsible plus not to forget, the Maths Genius. 

She just wants to be known as 快乐地狱 [Happy Hell]. (Please forgive her. She just want to use that name.) So here it goes, her thoughts and views about going through STPM. 

1.0 My journey in Form 6

To summarize, my journey in form 6 was enjoyable as well as challenging. In my first term, I had gone through a lot of ups and downs due to the brand new environment. New buildings, new friends, new system (having exams based on terms), new co-curricular activities plus new positions I was holding… Everything was new except that I was still in the same old school I had used to be when I had my secondary education.

At first, it seems impossible to cope with this form 6 life as time was short compared with form 5 life and there were many things need to catch up. (Both academic and co-curricular activities as I held two important positions that require thorough planning. Luckily, the supports from my friends have helped me to get through all these messy stuff. )  Step by step, I had gone through this form 6 and learned that one cannot worry too much about future when time has not come because miracle might happen sometimes. Well, you might think this is ridiculous but, yes, it does come true sometimes when you have done the best. (I score unbelievable well in my first term exam.) Think only the present and do what you must do or what you should do. Except the new environment that I need to cope with, my form 6 life became pleasant as time passed. (I am not saying that I am an optimist. Thanks to my sifu and friends, I learned to be one by trying to change my thought and behaviour. Of course, I am not a pessimist either. Just in between.)

I did faced hardships and difficulties in this one and a half year journey together with my family’s, teachers’ and friends’ supports. The hardship that I had faced at first was the time management. After passing few days and weeks in Form 6, I found myself running against time as I was too active in co-curricular activities until I had no time to relax and eventually got tensed up easily. I had gone through training and had been attending competitions.  (Even co-curricular activities require both mental and physical involvement.)  So, I suffered a lot in my first term actually. Of course, I had learnt my lesson in term 1 and I chose to ease myself a bit in 2nd and 3rd term by doing what was right and it required me to sacrifice the things I loved to do . Leadership problem is the other complication that I had met. (Some of the jobs I had not done well enough as I had lost my devotion and enthusiasm.) However, I felt I had grown up mentally and I learned ‘life lessons’ from my mistakes.

     I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to my sifu that has encouraged us to be more confidence in ourselves, to believe and trust him in his teachings. I have trusted and put all my faith in him as he had shown me what a teacher truly is. Not only does he teach physics, but also gradually yet firmly establish life lessons to all of the students he has taught. 

He did many of these life lessons teaching in term 1 by integrating it together with physics and it fits in well too!  For instance, your internal resistant must be equal to external resistant in order to get maximum power. AND this is how he relates it: Your relationship with family (internal relationship) should be equal to your relationship with friends (external relationship) so that you can live your life to the fullest. He is good isn’t it? 

Sadly, he gradually decreases all these teachings as we gone to term 2 and 3. Not only that, he always want us to think about some life aspects too. Sometimes, he throws me some life questions that have obvious answer yet it strikes me when I think about it.  Besides, he likes to share with us some quotes too like when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This is the first time I had been impacted by a teacher so intensely. He does not talk the talk, but walk the talk. Many times, he uses one stone to kill three birds (it means he did one action but done three things altogether).  He always notified us that results come from own persistence and resilience. Sometimes, he asks our opinions, thinks widely and judge in different perspective upon a single thing. He is observant as well as high IQ and EQ. He had been my role model in this form 6 life. To me, he is like a teacher, a father and a friend as well. He is someone that I cling and hold on to. 

2.0 The things I have learned throughout my whole Form 6 journey

I do not regret that I had chose Form 6 because I learned and experienced a lot from here. 

In Form 6, I learned that we need to do things effectively, productively and efficiently as time is short. Then, I experienced more in planning things from those co-curricular activities. Not only planning time, but also planning activities. Planning requires thorough thinking and trains you a lot in specialising a skill. (to think from others perspective or view.) 

Decision making is another aspects that I need to go through. I believe life is about deciding the path you want. There is no right or wrong when choosing a path. I have done mistakes in my Form 6 life too and I kept on reminding myself to avoid doing the same mistakes again. Definitely, Form 6 life is not about scoring; it is where you learn your soft skill too. If you want to learn anything, Be Truly Brave !  The last thing I would like to share is most people might say For 6 is hard and only a few people might say it is fun. To me, it is not hard nor easy.  It depends on how you think about it.

When you have two path to choose,
choose the difficult one,
so that you never regret.   

I chose form 6 not because it is my last choice.
Actually, it was my first choice. 

So that is it. I hope the stories that she shared will give you some guidance in your future undertakings. She is really a deep-thinker until today and I am lucky enough to be her comrade. 

13 February 2016

The View From a Friend (Part 1) *updated

Starting from this post onwards, I will be posting about the thoughts and opinions I have obtained from my comrades who have went through the tough process as every Sixth Former did from past to present.

Let me introduce him briefly.

He is one of my close friends and we met each other during secondary school and currently, we are still contacting each other . He is a very creative person and always outruns me with his illogical sense of humour (sometimes his reasons are very logical and it is really hard to tackle him back).

He studied in Physics class when he had his STPM and always successfully finds a way in every obstacle he had. This is one of the characters that I really like about him. He only wants to be known as SB7002/1007.

Here are his point of views. Enjoy reading!

1.0 My journey in Form 6

    Hahaha…. it was full of happiness, tears, fun, and most importantly, young and beautiful memories (haha I’m still not old yet at the time I type this). Well, what else to describe? Hmm…. let me think…. aha! Maybe I’ll just talk about my class then. I studied in Lower and Upper 6 Physics, which consisted of 7 students including me. Huh? You ask why my class has so little people in it? Oh, that’s because many of my friends (ex-classmates in Form 5) went to other higher institute such as Matriculation, (which I applied but didn’t get), foundations and other related courses of their dreams.... Although having just 7 people in my class, I find it a whole new experience as there was never so little students in a class before. This gives many new experiences and make me and my classmates even closer to one another, and we called ourselves "The Perfect Seven".
     My first semester in form 6 was not going smoothly as I did not adjusted myself to the environment even though it was the place I had my secondary education. Having going back to school made me realized that school is less intensive compared to working, and that made me slacked for a bit. But during my time at form 6, there were many activities that were organized by my school to train and guide us to be more prepared for working environment. I caught up a bit during the second semester, but it’s barely enough as it was just merely a breath I got as the learning gets even tougher. As the saying goes, when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. During the last semester, we (me and my fellow classmates) were already used to the classes and (maybe immune?) to the work given to us. Still, it is very challenging at times, as it was our last semester and our last efforts to go into public universities and towards a better future. Only those who were hardworking will reap their rewards next year March. I really hope that all of the Sixth Formers in my school got what they deserved after their countless efforts.   

2.0 The things I have learned throughout my whole Form 6 journey

     Well, there were many things I have learned during Form 6, such as teamwork (you definitely need this in a class of 7 person including yourself, going solo is not really good, unless you are very very confident and have the ability to do so).

Effective communication is vital, as it is also very important not to offend anybody and make as many friends as possible, as the saying goes, more friends more help.

Determination (never give up no matter what happens). 
Be helpful and thoughtful.
Be brave and bold (Speak up! Say it if you think you don’t know, or it’ll be even more harder to speak up if you did not take the first step towards it).
Initiative, (by being able to do work without having need to be reminded by others, in other words, independent).
     And also, not to forget, form 6 is not the same as form 5. You might get results you will be surprised of but remember, you’ll always have people who loves you supporting you, be it your family members such as parents, peers and teachers. Always learn to stand up after falling, you guys are still young and there is so much to see outside after the schooling lives…


     Finally it’s time for conclusion! Well, as an ex-form 6 student, all I can say it is up to you and your decision as it is your life and your future. To wrap it all up, Form 6 education is some kind of extra intensive class of pre-U to better prepare you for the challenges ahead. For those who is considering to enter Form 6, think carefully before making any decision. Form 6 is no place for the lazy peoples, only for those who is hard working and truly dedicated. Thank you very much for reading this, and I wish you good luck in form 6 and your future!



5 February 2016

Summary for STPM Term 3

Term 3, I would say that we all did worked very hard in this term, mainly because it was the last term in our pre-university level. And to the juniors studying F6 out there, bear in mind that Repeat Papers for term 3 will not be provided starting from 2016 (which is this year). Although my batch is still able to repeat term 3's papers, but we all had a tough battle. We imagined that we can't repeat any papers and strived very hard for that reason. An advice for the juniors, please make sure that you are fully ready in this term if you don't want to have any regrets.

For Science Stream students, this term we had 2 Science projects (Chemistry & Physics / Biology), depends on what class you are in.

For Chemistry, we had a project with the theme "SOIL".
Physics project was related about SOUNDWAVE.
Biology project was about collecting insects from 10 different families and leaves from 10 different orders.

With two projects, it really required a lot of time in terms of investigation, research, experimenting, documentation and presentation. Make sure you and your team-mates work well together and plan your time well. That is a crucial aspect.
Since the science stream students in our school was only 9 of us, we combined our classed together and it turned out great and fun. Of course we had to be serious in obtaining our results for writing reports.
Chemistry Project
The nine of us, together with our 2 very experienced Chemistry teachers,
Mr. Kan (3rd from left), Pn. Marini (5th from left)
and not to forget our lab assistant Pn. Zulikah  (Next to Pn. Marini) 

Biology's experiments were pretty cool this term. We got to do quadrat sampling, extraction of onion's DNA and get to know a genetically modified corn all the way from USA. 
Doing quadrat sampling. 

See that white lump? That's the DNA of onion cells.
Testing pH of soil samples.

A genetically modified corn from USA. 
Term 3 can be considered the term I used to discover more and had lots of fun. I don't know how to describe the feeling but when it comes to an end, you will be sure to treasure more things. My school did not have graduation day for F6s, although it was quite a disappointment but I knew our teachers wanted us to be entirely focus for our final war. I can't wait to meet my teachers in March! 

Currently, all 2015 STPM candidates must had obtain their term 3's results. Well, congratulations to those who had excellent result, and to those who wish to repeat, try you best!!! 

The story of 3 terms of STPM has officially comes to an end. Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you guys out there have ideas on how to paint your own future.

Have you decided what to do next? Whatever you do, be sure that it is the right thing for you. Follow your passion, not from orders.