5 February 2016

Summary for STPM Term 3

Term 3, I would say that we all did worked very hard in this term, mainly because it was the last term in our pre-university level. And to the juniors studying F6 out there, bear in mind that Repeat Papers for term 3 will not be provided starting from 2016 (which is this year). Although my batch is still able to repeat term 3's papers, but we all had a tough battle. We imagined that we can't repeat any papers and strived very hard for that reason. An advice for the juniors, please make sure that you are fully ready in this term if you don't want to have any regrets.

For Science Stream students, this term we had 2 Science projects (Chemistry & Physics / Biology), depends on what class you are in.

For Chemistry, we had a project with the theme "SOIL".
Physics project was related about SOUNDWAVE.
Biology project was about collecting insects from 10 different families and leaves from 10 different orders.

With two projects, it really required a lot of time in terms of investigation, research, experimenting, documentation and presentation. Make sure you and your team-mates work well together and plan your time well. That is a crucial aspect.
Since the science stream students in our school was only 9 of us, we combined our classed together and it turned out great and fun. Of course we had to be serious in obtaining our results for writing reports.
Chemistry Project
The nine of us, together with our 2 very experienced Chemistry teachers,
Mr. Kan (3rd from left), Pn. Marini (5th from left)
and not to forget our lab assistant Pn. Zulikah  (Next to Pn. Marini) 

Biology's experiments were pretty cool this term. We got to do quadrat sampling, extraction of onion's DNA and get to know a genetically modified corn all the way from USA. 
Doing quadrat sampling. 

See that white lump? That's the DNA of onion cells.
Testing pH of soil samples.

A genetically modified corn from USA. 
Term 3 can be considered the term I used to discover more and had lots of fun. I don't know how to describe the feeling but when it comes to an end, you will be sure to treasure more things. My school did not have graduation day for F6s, although it was quite a disappointment but I knew our teachers wanted us to be entirely focus for our final war. I can't wait to meet my teachers in March! 

Currently, all 2015 STPM candidates must had obtain their term 3's results. Well, congratulations to those who had excellent result, and to those who wish to repeat, try you best!!! 

The story of 3 terms of STPM has officially comes to an end. Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you guys out there have ideas on how to paint your own future.

Have you decided what to do next? Whatever you do, be sure that it is the right thing for you. Follow your passion, not from orders.