Hey guys! It's feel good to be back here, although there is a lot of dust right now.
Made some brand new arrangements and it's tedious.
The HTML stuffs aren't really my strength. I have been working for 2 hours to edit to reach my needs. Yeah, you can say that I'm a bit picky but hey, my blog is like my third home (After the real one and school). So I must 'decorate' it until I feel satisfied about it. But still, there are still some flaws, in the sense that I don't have the mood to doing it anymore. Forgive my laziness.
Back to the topic, it's the second day of December, which means there are less than 30 days before a fresh new year ahead.
What have I done throughout this year? Basically, I'm just being a nerd, with only a few outings and the rest is decaying in the house.
Being an STPM student is not easy, in any stream I presume has their own hardships and struggles. I can only say that being a Science Stream student ain't easy, so does being an Art Stream candidate. Well, nothing is easy anyway. If it is easy, it means that you are not leaving your comfort zone, which is kind of dangerous to be in this cruel world.
Let me shortly describe what I have done in this whole year. Well, the early half year was the 2nd term for STPM, and it was the semester I got my Term 1 result (CGPA 3.08). It wasn't all A like an ace will have, but I'm actually happy that I did not failed any of the subjects. After all, there are rumours saying that STPM is nothing compared to SPM, it was true though. But I believe hardwork and perseverance can overcome even those impossible stuffs the naysayers would say.
And the half-year later was Term 3, which just finished 1 month ago. I'll just leave Term 2 & 3 stories in my future post...... Don't want to spill all in one post.
I'm a Biology students with initially 5 students (including me) in one big class and reduced to only two left in the past 6 months, pretty sad huh? I personally feel sorry about my classmates who quit after Term 1 but perhaps they have reason that I did not know, because I seldom talk in class.
Compared to the Physics Class, there were 7 and remained 7 until the end. What a strong will they have!
We had projects as well. Pengajian Am (General Study) project, Maths T projects, Biology and Chemistry Experiments. It was quite the things students do. Did we face difficulty? Oh yes we did! One thing that I must say the teachers there are so helpful to us. All of the teachers did their roles perfectly to aid the students. I'm grateful to those teachers!! Terima kasih cikgu-cikgu!!!
I have just finished my exams, and finally I am officially free! It was like the heavy rock on my back has instantly vanished. Hahaha, now it's the time to relax and recharge. My friends are all ready to go to work after this week, and I was like sitting and relaxing in the house, doing some reading, no money entering the pockets. :'(
Did I had a perfect year? Well, I can't tell you yet, because it's not the last day of 2015. I still have some pages left unwritten and I can't wait to fill these days with meaningful activities.
Perfect ending or bad ending? It doesn't matter, as long you treasure each moment, no matter sorrow or joyous, and keep smiling. Why waste time on something not worth to be remember?
Me, Myself 我
Good day, the name is William! Excited to know that you are here and reading this.
I hope that you would enjoy the things you see, listen and feel in your daily life. After all, you live for a reason.
Welcome to my world!
Welcome to my world!
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